The Power of Doing What You Love (versus Doing What You Think Will Make You Money)

When you’re doing what you love, you are in a more passionate state of mind, and always doing your best because you enjoy what you do. You’ll often find yourself in “the flow”, a state where you lose track of time as your focus is solely on your passion. You’ll be better able to handle obstacles that come into your path because you enjoy the day-to-day activity of doing what you love (versus doing something solely as a means to make money). Continue Reading


How to Prevent Burnout from Stress: Live like a Sprinter, not a Long Distance Runner

Nature is constantly oscillating- think of tides moving in and out, the seasons changing, or the sun rising. We as human beings naturally follow a similar rhythm with our energy levels. Our natural state is to oscillate between rest and activity, similar to a sprinter. Unfortunately, our society of technological innovation socially sanctions living like a long distance runner- we ignore rest and fail to recognize its necessity for preventing burnout and sustaining high performance. Ignoring recovery for too long causes burnout: symptoms include emotional exhaustion, loss of motivation, detachment, isolation, and irritability. Continue Reading

The Top 3 Ways People Fail at Using the Law of Attraction

The Law of Attraction explains that you attract into your life whatever you think about. With the recent popularity of The SecretThe Top 3 Ways People Fail at Using the Law of Attraction, and resurgence of books such as Think and Grow RichThe Top 3 Ways People Fail at Using the Law of Attraction, there has been a lot of new attention focused on The Law of Attraction. Science has also started providing new evidence to support The Law of Attraction- neurologists have found that simply thinking changes the brain. Unfortunately, the popularity of the Law of Attraction has also made available a lot of new material on the subject that is either 1) dumbed down for the masses, or 2) inaccurate. The inaccurate information about the Law of Attraction leads to frustration when people try to manifest their intention and fail. In my own experience in manifesting my intentions, I’ve found three failures/mistakes that inhibited “the secret” from working. Continue Reading